
Friday, February 11, 2011

3. How had the love of Rizal to the motherland affected his love for his family, friends and his life?


  1. Because of rizal's love for his motherland,there are many people affected including his family, friends, and his life. His family was not happy, worried and not safe due to his presence including his friends so he decided to leave Calamba.He was threatened by anonymous pesons. Despite of what happened, still love his moterland as well as his family and friends.

  2. Jose Rizal, loved his country deeply. He had been to free, lovely, prosperous, and developed nations, yet he always preferred to return to his own. Love of country, the native land, the motherland, and the land of birth.Rizal left the country to seek things of greater usefulness and the welfare we all desire..His love For them grew more stronger because of his love to our country,he strive hard to save us from the spaniards to gain our freedom,especially the people closest to him,for them to live in a peaceful contry,.All of his deeds were geared toward his native land and his compatriots because he knew that his people, through education and labor, could become great,and for that reason love of the country of all love is the greatest the most heroic .He speaks for the motherland for whom some have sacrificed their youth,their pleasures others their blood.His friends and comrades, now is away from us seeking the welfare that we all desire.the separation would have been more painful for the distance that separates us.

  3. Rizal really love his motherland that he wanted his country to be free from those people who oppressed his mother land. Because of that love, his life was in danger and was jeopardizing the life, safety and happiness of his family and friends. His family become worried and unsafe. There are many people who wanted to attack him and put him down but despite of that, his deeper love remain the same and it does not change his first priority in life and desire. He wanted his country to be from being oppressed. Because of his deeper love for his country he would sacrifice his own life and fought fot his right as a Filipino.

  4. Rizal made his writing novel because he want for his motherland freedom from the hands of Spaniards.Because of his love to his native land he fighting back the evil Spaniards that colonized the Filipino people through his writing.Rizal life are in danger in fighting Spaniards and also his family and friends are not safe.His brother Paciano are being tortured by the Spaniards in order to give an idea about the writing of his brother Rizal. Rizal suffered a lot for his love to his country, even his life he bring to death as to prove his love to hi country.

  5. Jose Rizal was a loving person not only to his family and friends but to our country. He sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of our freedom to Spaniards. His relationship towards his family became closer and through the support of his friends he became more persistent to fight for what is right. Rizal was able to reach other countries to study there culture and living, he became knowledgeable. Because of his love to our country he offer his life to awakened the hearts and minds of every Filipino.

  6. jose rizal showed his love to his family by giving importance and by fighting what is right for his country because he wants to be free from those Spaniards. even though they want to pull down Jose Rizal he still showed his love to his mother and family eventhough he sacrifice his life to his country.


  7. He showed his love for his family through his literary works. he also defended his country through pen and not sword or gun. he also wanted to set the captives free that's why he fought until his last breath. he sacrificed everything just to save the people in his country.And because of that he showed to all filipinos that he is a proud filipno and he really loves our country..


  8. the love of Rizal to his motherland affected his family and his friends in the reason that they all supported the writings of Rizal to fight against the Spanish tyrants, because of Rizal they were put into danger.
    _anna mae villa_

  9. because of the love of jose rizal to our country he sacrifice his life and die for it leaving his friends and family behind. his family and friends affected by the treat of spanish friars because of his works and writings.


  10. since Rizal loved his motherland, he did everything to maintain peace and the sense of freedom that in so doing he risked his own life to preserve it and for his loved ones to experience it.


  11. Rizal wanted to change the way the Spaniard treat the Filipino people and he did it by writing novels, poetry, stories, etc. about the Spaniards. because of this Rizal's family and friends where threated by the Spaniards, and Rizal wanted to do something to help and protect them from the spaniards. because of his love to the motherland his life completely changed from a peaceful one to a chaotic one.

    Kirsten Clea A. Hernando
    MM 3-2

  12. Jose Rizal really loves his family and friends especially his country because he wants his fellow filipino to be free from the spaniards. He was not afraid of any man and neither he was not afraid to die.That's why he choose to leave calamba because he doesn't want his family and friends to suffer and keep them to safety.

  13. Joswe Rizal loves his family, friends and especially his country because he wants to his country maintain peaceful. He sacrifice his life in our country to get that freedom from the spaniards.

  14. Carcillar, Marico T.February 21, 2011 at 5:32 AM

    Our national hero, Jose Rizal, loved his country deeply. He had been to free, lovely, prosperous, and developed nations, yet he always preferred to return to his own. Love of country, the native land, the motherland, and the land of birth this was the very character that defined his personality.

    It is a very natural feeling because there in our country are our first memories of childhood, a merry ode, known only in childhood, from whose traces spring forth the flower of innocence and happiness; because there slumbers a whole past and a future can be hoped.

    Is it because love of country is the purest, most heroic and most sublime human sentiment.It is gratitude it is affection for everything that reminds us of something of the first days of our life. It is the land where our ancestors are sleeping; it is the temple where we have worshiped God with the candor of babbling childhood.

    Rizal added that love of country was a great emotion that had been sung for centuries by all men, free or slaves, because it is never effaced once it has penetrated the heart, because it carries with it a divine stamp which renders it eternal and imperishable.It has been said that love has always been the most powerful force behind the most sublime actions. Well then, of all loves, that of country is the greatest, the most heroic and the most disinterested

    -Carcillar, Marico T.
